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Feels like I was nothing but mistakes
quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2013 @ 04:48
post by Line! ~ 0 Comentários

Man, it's been a while.
The funny thing is that I come here and write crap in English when everything's shitty. Well, can't blame no one else.
Let's start from the beginning?
I met a boy. It's really weird writing about this here. I know no one will ever read, but... Anyways. I met someone. From the starters, I thought he was crazy. Like... Crazy. He had this incredibly annoying habit of glancing at you for like 30 minutes. Made me uncomfortable. 'Cause I knew he wasn't hitting on me, he was just amazingly absent-minded. I didn't have any idea we were going to become friends.
Great friends.
I couldn't see it coming, it was so fast. One moment I was uncomfortable around him, and the next... I wasn't. It reached me like a train, no way out.
And now here I am. Pathetic. Why this always happens to me? Dude, I AM TIRED!
There HAS to have something amazing for me somewhere. You know? Since I NEVER get what I want.

And finally...
terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012 @ 23:57
post by Line! ~ 0 Comentários

É, fui assistir ao The Amazing Spider-man. Weird thing esperar meses por um filme e demorar semanas pra ver no cinema. Mas finalmente fui. E tô muuuuuuito feliz porque finalmente decidi ir.

O filme é... Diferente. Diferente das HQs, diferente da primeira sequência; é diferente. É impossível não comparar as franquias, até a voz do Tobey Maguire tava ecoando na minha cabeça durante o filme. Porém, Tobey e Andrew Garfield são Peters bem diferentes um do outro. Tobey é um pouco mais parecido com o Peter do HQ, do tipo loner, quase não se aguenta em pé, vive apanhando e é o coitadinho da história. Até ganhar poderes e perceber que precisa se erguer e aprender a usar o que lhe foi dado. Step up and be a man, spider!
Já Andrew... (Ai, Andrew...) é um Peter mais "descolado". Cheeeeeeeeeeio de atitude e personalidade - o que por sinal, gostei bastante - e faz com que a mocinha de cara tenha segundas intenções. Vejam só que avanço, o cara não foi nem parar na friendzone, fatídica na sequência anterior, onde Peter era bestie da Mary Jane.

Acho que diferente é bom. Diferente renova, diferente anima! Ok, o roteiro pode ser cansativo pra quem espera sempre uma obra prima quando vai ao cinema. Marc Webb, cuja estréia todos acompanhamos, fez um bom trabalho. Pra falar a verdade, a execução do filme foi muito boa, Emma Stone (gosto muito) foi uma adorável Gwen Stacy.

Não me arrependo de ter ido ao cinema fora do dia da promoção (é um absurdo quanto eles cobram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), foi divertidissimo! Não poupei gargalhadas nas cenas onde o aranha tirava uma onda com os bandidos e levava coça dos tiras. Verei The Amazing Spider-man de novo com certeza! Plus, ele já tem um lugar reservado no meu HD (porque né gente, to tentando conter os gastos).

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The return of the queen
terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011 @ 00:20
post by Line! ~ 0 Comentários

The bitch is back. And for good.
'Cause I'm so impulsive I do things I don't want to, but this time I might do this for my own sake. This whole thing is messing with my mind, and it's making everyone else think things about me that aren't true. This hurts me so bad, but what hurts me the most is noticing no one really cares about what I feel.
This is what I feel: I'm hurted like hell. I'm hurted for everything you said. I'm hurted for everything you didn't do. I'm hurted for everything I did.
See how wrong everything just went? People start saying stuff about me, but they doesn't even care if it's gonna make me feel miserable. Yes, it does.
I just wish to switch my rhythm for a while.
It happens that in life you find people really mean. People that doesn't care if you are feeling down, or if you need some help. They just care about putting you into the ground.
I'm not letting them make me feel miserable again. This ends today.

It's gonna hurt me, but I have to be apart.


sábado, 18 de junho de 2011 @ 00:16
post by Line! ~ 0 Comentários

Why am I being a bitch?
No fucking trying to change it again, ok? Just stick to your STATUS QUO!


quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011 @ 01:09
post by Line! ~ 0 Comentários

I found out something.
I finally discovered who I am. It's a bit hard, but this time I'm sure.
With myself, I discovered there's two types of people in this world: The ones that love, and the ones that are loved.
I'm the first kind.
The ones that love NEVER have doubts about their feelings. That's because they love too much.
We love too much.
Yeah, that's right, I love too much.
I fucking love everyone.
I fucking care about everyone.
I'm here to make everyone happy. Fuck.
But what can I do? That's what people who love knows. To love.
I'm always spitting stuff about never loving and not knowing a bit about love, but I'm lying. This is what I do, I lie all the time. I lie about my feelings, I lie about what I think and I lie about not loving anyone. Because, hell yes, I do.
Everyone I know, I love. I care about everyone and this is MESSED UP.
If I just didn't care about no single idiot that passed through my life, I would be way better. I would be the loved one kind.
'Cause the loved ones don't need to care about anything, they have someone to do that for them.
The loved ones are here to be loved, and most important: To fuck with the ones that love them. And why do they fuck with us? Because this is what they do, they do not care.
Boy, I wish I was one of these. Life's so simple for them, is just turn the whole thing off and they're good. They are all good.

But unfortunately, I do care. And this is my misery and my course. I can't change this, is always going to follow me wherever I go. So I just have to fit into. Just swallow and accept. This is the way I'm supposed to be.
I'm going to love and never be loved. I spent so much of my time being like this, what's the matter now? Why did I think for a second that things would change? Things never change, because destiny only wants to fuck you up. Things are never going to change.

So this is it.
I'm cool.
I'll just keep myself here for everyone's sake. When everyone needs, they know where to find me. And trust me, they always do.


A handful of dust
sábado, 4 de junho de 2011 @ 08:52
post by Line! ~ 0 Comentários

Tô achando excelente minhas novas fontes asiáticas. Elas dão um sentido todo novo à imagem, agora Eunhyuk e Donghae estão ótimos ^^

Mas que coisa, faz anos que não venho aqui escrever besteiras. Acho que ando tão sem tempo que nem pros costumeiros fantasmas venho escrever.
De qualquer forma, estou entrando em colapso criativo. Tá difícil fazer minha tatuagem, tô em dúvida. Queria escrever psycho killer (殺人鬼) mas me vetaram. Agora não sei direito o que vou tatuar, decisão complicada.
Vou acabar fazendo uma tribal clichê, mas se for pra fazer só por fazer, é melhor esperar que meu colapso passe e até que encontre algo que valha a pena gravar na pele pra sempre.

Medal of Honor: Tô jogando.
Muuuuuuuito massa, que jogo motherfucker! Tô numa fase onde tô com o exército matando alguns tangos, rs. No nível mais fácil que tem, mas também, é a primeira vez que tô jogando essa bagaça.

Morrendo de fome.

Marcadores: , , , ,

Hold me when I'm here
domingo, 15 de maio de 2011 @ 00:13
post by Line! ~ 0 Comentários

Do this. Do this while you can, 'cause when I'm gone you'll miss me like hell.
I'm available to support you, you know it.
Why can't you let me do this?

You're wrong. You're all wrong and I still like you. I like you when EVERYONE tells me not to. While everyone tries to convince me that being with you is more than social suicide. It's a moral suicide. Because you're wrong. And I still do not care.

But think about it, you run away and I try to get you back. Where did that get me?
I'm in danger, dude.
Well, if it is like this then... I think I should let you free to fly.
If you miss me, you'll know where to find me.
